Today, there are two tales to share! First up, there are numerous dogs worldwide who lack a warm and comfortable home. You might have come across some of them without stopping to offer assistance, or at the very least, they may have sparked your sympathy.
Mother dogs, in particular, bear the burden of taking care of their young who were conceived in the desolation, hunger, and helplessness of the streets. This is the story of a dog and her puppies who were rescued from a construction site in Myanmar.
Exhausted from fighting for survival on the streets, and despite gradually losing the strength to carry on, the mother dog embraced her babies between her paws to protect them. Just like any loving mother, she was ready to give her last breath for her children.
Thankfully, a compassionate passerby noticed the dog’s plight and immediately contacted the heroes at Animal Aid Unlimited, who rushed to the scene. “This confused and desperate mother nearly passed out after giving birth at a construction site. We were so happy that a sensitive passer-by called us to help her with her newborn babies, and we took them all to our hospital, where she was able to recover from the trauma she received because of such a difficult birth,” said the rescuers.
Thanks to the empathetic person and the rescue team, this beautiful furry family has a new lease on life. These were trying times for this courageous and selfless mother who refused to give up. From one moment to the next, their lives changed for the better, and they will now have the quality of life they’ve always deserved. “The puppies are developing well now that their mother has had a chance to rest for a couple of days. We will spay her as soon as the babies are old enough to be weaned,” they added in the Animal Aid post. When the pups are independent enough, they will begin searching for suitable homes.
On to the second story! All pets are unique and irreplaceable. For many pet owners, puppies or kittens become like their children, which is why they’re very concerned when any danger threatens their lives. Snakes, which can silently and quickly attack their prey, pose a significant danger. That’s what happened when a dog was almost killed by a rattlesnake.
A fluffy boy named Toad was playing outside his home in Coon, Idaho when he suddenly came face to face with a snake that bit him at least five times. Freeze Brownell, the dog’s owner, recalls seeing “a snake circling in the air” as he approached his pet. He grabbed his little dog, who was very puzzled and agitated, trying to keep him between himself and the snake. “Big mistake, there were several snakes on the ground!” he told the local media. Toad is a German Shorthaired Pointer.
Without wasting any time, he rushed Toad to the vet. Unfortunately, the venom had already taken effect. The dog did not look well, and the vet noted that he was bitten on both sides of his muzzle, which required a dose of antidote.
It was only a matter of time before they knew how the helpless dog would react. Unlike other snakes, the venomous American rattlesnake has a distinct sound from its rattle, which is located at the tip of its tail. These snakes consist of small horn sheaths that allow them to make a warning sound and, in some cases, protect them from large mammals that may attack them.
Toad’s owners feared that their beloved pet would not survive and was depressed. Much to Brownell’s relief, the antidote worked, and his beloved pet was saved. Toad is continuing to recover at home, receiving all the attention and love he deserves.