Desperate Depths: Watch The Intense Video Of A Dog’S Narrow Escape From Drowniпg, Underlining The Need For Swift Rescue


Street dog Indian Phoenix was about to die until Animal Aid Unlimited arrived to save her. Even though the water wasn’t particularly deep where she fell, she wasn’t strong enough to resist drowning. She was surprised when her nose was dipping into the water.

She was almost standing under a foot of water when rescue crews got there, but she drowned, according to Animal Aid Unlimited. She dipped her tired chair into the water. Bubbles begin to f orm. She could have drowned if we had been five minutes later.


They didn’t know why until they lifted her out of the water and saw that her leg was completely broken and gangrenous.

Maybe she was hit by a car, got help, lay in the water in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding or ease the pain.”


Back at the hospital, Phoenix slipped and went into shock. Her body temperature had weakened and she was suffering from hypothermia from being in the water. Even though Phoenix’s life seemed to be over, rescuers still set out to save her.

We are afraid we might lose her. She really needed a hit but was too weak to withstand the attack. So we spent a few days stabilizing her – a balancing act between her strength and retaining perfection and cost. Her surgery took place 3 days later – it was like a miracle…!

Phoenix had more energy as she watched the attack, but she couldn’t help but smile. She is determined not to allow her employees to wag their tails. Her healing was amazing!
