The Dog, In A Tragic Condition, Fainted In Their Garden And Did Not Open Its Eyes For A Week


One day, the owners of the house found a dog lying in her yard. The quadruped was in a tragic condition – its eyes were closed and it could barely lift its head. Seeing his condition, they immediately called for help.

He came into her yard and fell down

Laura, a woman from an animal rescue organization, appeared on the spot. Unfortunately, it was clear to the naked eye that the dog’s condition was very bad.

The owners of the house admitted that the dog simply fainted in their yard. I walked over to him to see if he was still alive. When he felt me, he used all his strength to lift his head. – says the woman.

The rescuers moved the dog to a car and then took him to a veterinary clinic

His eyes were completely sunken and couldn’t even be seen. He only opened it after a week of our care. Then we realized that they were a beautiful blue color. – says Laura.

The dog was named Jake

The dog received the necessary care at the clinic and was pampered by the staff. It took him some time, but he finally got back on his feet!


Jake was quite underweight, so the rescuers had to make sure he had a proper and healthy diet to get him back to a healthy weight. After some time, the dog could finally go to its temporary home.

It was amazing that despite all the pain and suffering, he still wanted to play and cuddle. Jake is a truly amazing dog. He was feeling better every day and it was wonderful to watch his progress. – say temporary guardians.

After a month, Jake looked completely different than the day he was rescued!

Jake is a very sociable dog. She loves meeting new people and animals. He loves playing and chasing the ball. – admit the guardians.

Jake enjoys life so much because he knows what it’s like to have nothing. Now he has it all and he’s going to enjoy every second of it. His story is a true miracle!

You can watch the dog’s entire journey in the video below:
