Two Neglected Dogs Were Kicked Out of The House, Sad, Naked and Broken-Hearted


Two neglected dogs have been abandoned, naked and broken-hearted by their owners. They were reported to me as malnourished, sick and living in unsafe conditions. After investigating the situation, I discovered that the owners had been abusing them for a long time and had neglected to care for them properly. Two days ago, the owners kicked them out of their house, leaving them to fend for themselves.

Upon confronting the owners, they shamelessly demanded that we return the dogs to them after we rescued and took care of them. We will never accept such a brazen request. These poor dogs have suffered enough humiliation in their lives.

Our team at GWARP took immediate action to rescue these two poor dogs. We named them Hope and Faith. They were taken to a safe place where they were given food, medical treatment, and love. After a thorough check-up, we found that they had multiple health issues, including malnutrition, infections and other illnesses. We provided them with the best possible medical care and after several weeks, Hope and Faith started to recover.


Despite their difficult past, they were friendly and grateful. They were overjoyed to receive love and care from our team. We will continue to provide them with love and care until they find their forever home where they will never have to suffer again. We urge everyone to be responsible pet owners and treat all animals with the love and respect they deserve.

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